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The common orthopaedic issues your dog may experience

We never want to see our four legged friends in pain.

We never want to see our four legged friends in pain. Whilst we hope that your pet never experiences any orthopaedic issues, being aware of some of the more common problems that can occur can be beneficial. Knowing the symptoms and causes to look out for will ensure that you can take immediate steps to get your dog treatment, helping them get onto the road to recovery much faster.

The three most common orthopaedic issues that we see in dogs include:

  • Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Tears - As with humans, everyday activities like running and jumping can sometimes lead to incident. Cruciate ligament ruptures occur in many dogs; whilst larger breeds are more commonly affected, smaller breeds are not exempt. The condition occurs when the limb poorly conforms (improper alignment of the lower leg and upper thigh), which places excess pressure on the limb and knee.
    One of the most obvious signs that your dog is suffering an ACL tear is holding the affected leg off the ground. Cruciate injuries like this one require surgery to treat, which sees the alignment of the tibia and femur readjusted.
  • Patella Luxation - Also known as “displacement of the patella”, this typical knee problem is common in purpose-bred toy dog breeds (like Pomeranians and Chihuahuas). As the groove that is mean to hold the kneecap in place is much shallower in these breeds than in others, the condition occurs when the patella (kneecap) falls out of position.
    Common symptoms include no desire to run or jump onto higher surfaces (like the couch), an inability to bend at the knee, and swelling in the affected area. There are several surgical procedures that can treat this condition, most of which revolve around reinforcing the ligaments that support the kneecap.
  • Arthritis -One of the most common orthopaedic issues in older dogs, arthritis is a painful and gradual deterioration of the joint (which is caused by bone rubbing against bone). It has a number of causes, from past injuries to improper joint alignment, all of which leave the joint unstable and unable to properly lubricate itself.
    No matter the cause, arthritis will continue to worsen – it's essential that you take your pet in for evaluation as soon as symptoms arise. Common symptoms include limping, pain, difficulty using stairs, and difficulty laying down and/or getting up.

If your dog is having trouble moving around and you believe they have suffered some sort of an injury, they may have developed an orthopaedic issue. Get in touch with the Melbourne Pet Surgery team today – we are proud to offer high quality service and affordable procedures that see your pet on the road to recovery as quickly as possible.